

The Big Issue Classroom offers two workshops for primary students. Through age-appropriate storytelling and discussion, students are invited to think about the future of their communities and actions they can take to promote social justice.

The content of each workshop has been tailored to different age groups, is linked to different learning areas in the Australian Curriculum and can be presented online or in-person.

Josh’s Story: the Impact of Choices

In this workshop, students participate in tower-building game and a storybook reading to learn about homelessness in an age-appropriate format.

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Finding Belonging: Explorations of Homelessness and Disadvantage

Students will hear from a specially-trained guest speaker who has experienced homelessness...

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The Big Issue Classroom offers two workshops for secondary students. Led by a skilled facilitator, students are encouraged to reconsider stereotypes about homelessness and disadvantage and learn how social enterprises like The Big Issue can help resolve current social issues. Students will also have the opportunity to hear from a guest speaker who has experienced homelessness and disadvantage.

The content of each workshop has been tailored to different age groups, is linked to different learning areas in the Australian Curriculum and can be presented online or in-person.

The Big City Search

The Big City Search is an additional self-led activity for schools attending in-person workshops in Sydney and Melbourne. Students are given instructions and clues for a problem-solving challenge which is completed in groups. As they move around the city, they explore issues relating to homelessness such as access to transport, services, healthcare and income. This hands-on experience builds on the content from the workshop by providing an insight into some of the challenges faced by people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage.

To book this activity, please fill out the booking form below.

Discussions About Homelessness and Disadvantage

Featuring the story of a guest speaker who has experienced homelessness, this workshop engages students through discussion and activities.

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A Case for Social Enterprise

In this workshop, students explore the role social enterprises such as The Big Issue can play in alleviating disadvantage and offering sustainable solutions to pressing social issues.

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The Big Issue Higher Education offers two programs for tertiary students. These programs help develop empathy and an awareness of disadvantage for students to apply in their future careers. Each program booked provides a paid work opportunity for a guest speaker experiencing disadvantage.

Social Impact Project: Immersion In Social Enterprise

The Social Impact Project is designed for students who are looking to enhance their employability through a real-life social enterprise learning experience.

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Speaker Series: Broadening Perspectives Through Real-Life Stories

The Big Issue’s Speaker Series is designed to help students understand how disadvantage and marginalisation impacts the customers and clients they may encounter in their careers.

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Stories With Impact: Understanding Hardship Through Lived Experiences

Stories with Impact is a brand-new program by The Big Issue, designed for businesses to creatively educate staff and improve their confidence in interacting with clients or customers experiencing hardship and disadvantage.

Participants will learn of the causes and impacts of homelessness and disadvantage in Australia, and how to consider these things when working with colleagues, clients or customers. We will share our approach to identifying and managing hardship in diverse cases, and equip participants with practical tools that they can use in their role. Participants will also hear from a guest speaker with first-hand insight into homelessness and disadvantage.

Stories with Impact is an invaluable experience that delivers positive social outcomes and impact, building empathy, collaboration and other real-world skills that can’t be learnt at a desk. Workshops can be tailored to suit different needs and businesses, can be delivered online or in-person, and provides a paid work opportunity for a guest speaker experiencing disadvantage.

Stories with Impact: Understanding hardship through lived

Stories with Impact is a brand-new program by The Big Issue

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Addiction, homelessness, domestic violence, leaving school, death of a family member… Want to talk about something you heard in the workshop?

Headspace headspace.org.au

Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800 kidshelpline.com.au

Lifeline 13 11 14 lifeline.org.au

Beyondblue 1300 26 4636 beyondblue.org.au

Ask Izzy askizzy.org.au

Guest Speaker Profiles


“I enjoy this more than any other job I’ve had. The interaction with students is amazing. I love to see their reactions when they learn about homelessness.

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The best part of the Classroom for Peter? “It’s the enjoyment of seeing the kids’ faces light up…they shake my hand and say ‘I really enjoyed your talk today'”.

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Book a workshop

To request a workshop, Big City Search or find out more information, please fill out the form below. All bookings are subject to availability.
We will contact you to discuss your booking request.

Primary and secondary workshops are one hour in length