This week (7-13 August 2023) is Homelessness Week, created to raise awareness for those who experience homelessness every night. This year’s theme is ‘It’s time to end homelessness’. There’s never been a more important time to end homelessness, with recent Census figures showing an increase to more than 122,000 people in Australia experiencing homelessness.
The Big Issue aims to positively impact those facing homelessness, disadvantage and marginalisation, by providing meaningful work opportunities and a connection with the community. The Big Issue is best known for its fortnightly magazine sold by street vendors across Australia. Vendors purchase each magazine for $4.50 and sell it for $9, earning a meaningful income. Other programs run by The Big Issue include our Women’s Workforce, Community Street Soccer Program, The Big Issue Classroom and Homes for Homes.
You can get involved with Homelessness Week this week and support The Big Issue by doing the following things:

Read about our programs and vendor stories at our Community Hub
The experience of homelessness is best told by our vendors. Adelaide vendor Vernon shared his experience of homelessness in previous edition Ed#683.
“On the street, I lost everything and had nothing. I would watch other people go to work, catch transport and get picked up to go home. I always thought about that – how I wouldn’t be going home. After spending the day in the city, I would head back across the Narrows Bridge and watch the city lights as the night began. As the night went on, each building or house light would turn off. I’d think to myself, I would love to be inside with a light!
“It ended happily. Nothing compares to turning the key and opening the door to your house, knowing you finally have a home.”