Last year’s winning cover

We’re calling on all kids, aged 12 and under, to get creative and help us design a cover of The Big Issue this Christmas.

The designs should be colourful, bright and fun! Let your imaginations run wild.

The artworks can be done in any medium: pencils, paint, texta, crayon, collage, glitter! We’re looking for imaginative pictures that will dazzle passers-by.

Not only will your artwork be seen all around Australia, you’ll also be supporting the people who sell the magazine.

The winning work will take pride of place on the cover of Ed#700, on sale 24 November to 7 December.

How to Enter

Download the cover here or create your work on an A4 page, and get designing! (Pro tip: leave room for the masthead! That’s the Big Issue logo in the top corner. Our cover size is 195mm wide by 270mm high.)

Post your entries to:
Kids Cover Competition
The Big Issue
GPO 4911 Melbourne Vic 3001

Or email high-resolution (300dpi) jpg or pdf images to:

Make sure you include an adult’s name and phone or email contact on all entries, plus the name and age of the child. And hang onto any original artwork until the competition is finished, in case we need to rescan it.

We can’t return your masterpieces, but we will publish as many highly commended entries as we can possibly squeeze onto a page – and in an online gallery! Read the terms and conditions here.

Entries close Tuesday 31 October. Good luck!

A sampling of last year’s masterpieces