Louis Theroux
Documentary maker and excavator of kooky cultural phenomena Louis Theroux isn’t afraid to walk on the wild side, tackling everything from UFO chasers, porn stars and neo-Nazis as his subjects. In our latest edition, Theroux takes on a topic he usually avoids – himself. In his Letter to My Younger Self he reveals a nerdy late bloomer trying to find his place in the world.
“Over-capable in the realm of books and academics and under-capable in every other area of life, particularly in relating to other humans and especially girls,” is how Louis Theroux describes his teenage self, a nerdy late bloomer who struggled with just about everything but his homework.

Also in this edition:
- We visit The Lost Dogs’ Home to discover the enterprising new ways they’re matching doggos with their forever homes, as pandemic puppies are being surrendered to shelters around the country post lockdowns.
- Writer Claire J Harris pays tribute to her greyhound Boots – they helped one another through successive lockdowns.
- Ukrainian refugees share their stories of survival and loss, hardship and hope as they flee their homes to cross the Polish border.
- Brisbane musician Hatchie tells us she’s learning to life with herself – and make gorgeous dream-pop while she’s at it.
- French director Audrey Diwan tackles women’s desire, determination and desperation in her new film Happening, based on a memoir by Annie Ernaux.
- Singer, actor and now author Lo Carmen writes on wild women of rock.
- Author Zoë Coyle remembers her late mother, who was terminally ill and ended her life by euthanasia, alone. Coyle hopes NSW lawmakers will resolve to legalise voluntary assisted dying in line with much of the country.
- We welcome the return of soup season with Paul West’s hearty and healthy Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup.
- Loch Ness Monster: myth or nation builder? All is revealed in Click!