Bindi Irwin

“When I first had Grace I absolutely, 100 per cent worried that she might not love animals the way I do,” says our cover star Bindi Irwin, who is famously from a long line of animal lovers. “But, of course, she is a total natural. And I don’t think you can learn that kind of connection with animals. She was born with this complete comfort with the natural world.” It’s four-year-old Grace who’s inspired Bindi to write her first book for little eco-warriors. “I swear she has my dad’s personality,” she laughs. “She is like a little scientist, she is surrounded by our amazing wildlife carers and vets all day, and now she role-plays zoo talks with her stuffies – lines them all up, and she asks me questions I can’t even answer!”

More highlights in this edition:

  • Comedian Julia Morris tells us there’s no skeletons in her closet in a hilarious Letter to My Younger Self: just some Gucci dresses and a history of hard work.
  • By Sherele Moody’s count, 101 women and children were killed in Australia last year. The powerhouse behind The RED HEART Campaign says silence is not an option in ending the epidemic of gendered violence.
  • Japanese garage-rock act The’s look back at the Tarantino cameo that made them famous, and look forward to their Australian tour.
  • In his new movie Hard Truths, director Mike Leigh wants you to believe his characters are real people with real problems.
  • And in Ozzities, we’re breaking down the pub tradition of the Ladies Lounge – and its cheeky resurgence in the art world.

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